OIA Data Request Process
The UNM Gallup Office of Institutional Analytics (OIA) collects, analyzes and publishes aggregated data on students, staff, and finance. Prior to initiating a data request, please consult the following resources:
- Data Dictionary: Contains definitions of common terms found in our reports and dashboards
- Fact Book: Interactive dashboards with information on degrees, faculty, staff, and financial aid (produced annually)
- Official Enrollment Reports: Contains information on enrollments and student credit hours (SCH) by level, college, demographic group, and time status (produced each semester)
- Common Data Set: Used to populate many of our national surveys such as U.S. News & World Report and Princeton Review; Contains information on enrollment, incoming freshman demographics, faculty, course section sizes, and more (produced annually)
If none of these resources answers your question, you may submit a data request here.
- Submission of a request does not guarantee data access. Data dissemination is at the discretion of the data stewards and guided by state and federal regulations and UNM's Data Governance Policy.
- Data requests take various amounts of time to process depending upon the complexity, sensitivity, and time submitted. During peak reporting cycles, we are unable to guarantee delivery sooner than 3 weeks from the date of the request. During less intensive periods, we can typically return data within 2 weeks, subject to other reporting priorities and the complexity of your request.
- We are unable to provide reports to be used for student research, master's theses, and doctoral dissertations.
- Requests for student-level data or any data with personally identifiable information (PII) should be referred to the UNM Division of Enrollment Mangement. If you are seeking live, unofficial, and/or student-level data, please initiate a data request with Enrollment Management here.