Our Mission
The Accessibility Resource Center recognizes individuals with disabilities as an integral part of a diverse community and is committed to the provision of comprehensive resources to the University community (faculty, staff, and students) in order to create equitable, inclusive, and practical learning environments.
How do I begin?
If you were using classroom accommodations while you were in High School, you may have an Individualized Education Plan, or I.E.P.
Please ask your High School Office to email to the student /student’s family the signed version of the IEP, and that way the student and/or student’s family can email it to us.
Our hope is to provide a smooth transition into your college experience.
Please review the ARC Welcome Form
Take the following form to your next medical appointment:
Disability Verification Request Form .
Your healthcare professional can use their own form if they wish.
Current ARC students to send accommodations letters to your professors, follow these 8 easy steps:
- Go to https://clockwork.unm.edu/ClockWork/custom/misc/home.aspx
- Click on the “Accommodation Letters” button under the Main Menu.
- Click on Accommodations.
- Enter your username (without the @unm.edu) and password (the same one you use to get into your MyUNM account).
- You’ll see a list of your current courses, click the Request button to request accommodations for the semester.
- The next page will list your accommodations and courses to request with check boxes. Please select the courses in which you would like to have accommodations.
- Click “Click here to approve your Accommodation Letters and submit below”.
- Click “Agree to the terms” and submit.
Department Email: galluparc2@unm.edu
Shana Arviso, MSW, LBSW
Accommodations Specialist/Advisement
Veterans School Certifying Official
Student Resource Center (SRC)
Gurley Hall Room 1127
Summer hours
Walk-in services
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
TAO: A Guide to Therapy Assistance Online
All Testing with a Reader must be scheduled in advance to ensure availability of a Reader.
What We Offer
The staff of the ARC is committed to the purpose of serving students with disabilities at the University. Student success is our goal and that Student Service is clear in the manner by which we deliver services. As the University continues to move forward with the use of technology to enhance the teaching/learning process, ARC has followed this path and utilizes assistive technology to improve access and opportunities for student success. Please take advantage of the following resources:

Study Room
We have 4 comfortable rooms where you can study without distractions.

Testing Rooms

We offer computer/printing access.