Dr. Robert Hunter

Chief Educational Officer
Middle College High School (Gallup)


Dr. Hunter received his BA in English Education from Michigan State, MA in Counseling from WNMU, and PhD in Cultural Studies from Michigan Tech. He is endorsed to teach in the social sciences and humanities, and is also a licensed counselor and administrator. In his spare time, he enjoys writing, playing bass guitar, and scuba diving with his wife Kelly. Dr. Hunter is the father of a twin daughter and son, Nizhoni and Aidan.

Conference Topic:

Dual Credit: High school students included in the higher education landscape and culture, the challenges and accomplishments


This session highlights three distinct early college high schools in New Mexico, and what they are doing to promote a head start in college for students from underserved populations and how those students are meaningfully supported in the successful acquisition of dual credit.

Other Speakers on this presentation:

Reid Wessels

Liliana De La Garza