Category: Students
April 06, 2020
April 06, 2020 - For UNM-Gallup instructor Frank Sanchez, the recent shift to remote-only instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic was not only surprising but also created a sense of urgency to deliver his courses with the same quality students expect. "I was not as ...
March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020 - Census Day 2020 falls on Wednesday, April 1. This date is not a deadline but rather a reference point for our citizens to tell the Census Bureau where they reside. The 2020 Census will determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of ...
March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020 - UNM-Gallup has extended our period of limited operations until further notice. We must follow the governor's public health orders requiring that ...
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020 - We are moving courses to an online format. No course currently in progress will be offered in-person through the end of this semester. If you are currently enrolled in a face-to-face course, plan to receive instructions and content via UNM Learn or e ...
March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020 - Students, please know that we recognize the stress created by the transition to remote instruction,and we continue to welcome ideas and feedback about how best to assist you through varying circumstances. The university has designed a survey to ...
March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020 - Adobe has provided temporary at-home access for impacted students and faculty, so that they can continue their work remotely. Please follow the instructions below to enable access to Creative Cloud Desktop Apps on your personal device. ...
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