Categories: Students Faculty Staff
April 15, 2020 - Just a gentle reminder to please be aware of your association with UNM-Gallup in online social networks—and ensure that your profile and content is consistent with how you wish to present yourself to colleagues, students, parents, and other constituents.
Because we are dealing with a virus, we should also be mindful of maintaining the health confidentiality of our community members in online social forums. Our guidelines state that we should not post or share confidential information about the University of New Mexico (including our campus), its students, its alumni, or your fellow employees—including information protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
To read the university’s full social media guidelines, please CLICK HERE.
Even though most of us are working remotely, the media might at times reach out to one of our community members for comment on an emerging news story. If you are contacted by a member of the media for an inquiry or interview request related to UNM-Gallup, please route those questions or requests to Lee at lambc@unm.edu or (505) 206-1117.
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The University of New Mexico - Gallup
705 Gurley Ave.
Gallup, NM 87301
(505) 863-7500
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